Friday, 4 January 2013

Where the strength will come? First step to change ourselves!

Government is the reflection of the society, we are all blaming to government, I strongly feel this is the time to look ourselves in the mirror and do some major improvement in the way we live and the kind ethics / values  we give to our next generation.

We are a proud to be called our self a nation of "Bapu" Mahatama Gandhi who fought the freedom fight on a  single weapon "The Truth",  So the question is where the strength came to fight all odds the British Empire, the one single lesson we can take from him which will help us to understand that why on earth when we see some body in trouble we get so afraid and insensitive that we can't even dare to make a call to emergency number, I guess this is the least we can do to help somebody (if we can’t do ourself), all this I am talking with context to the story of the “friend” of the "Gang rape victim", It is very clear from this story that no one dare / was least interested in helping the victim? so shameful! As a society at large with a burden gigantic cultural history we totally failed!

What the use of all this so called "proud culture" when we can't teach our children how to behave, what to do, whom to respect, etc... the big joke / irony is that all morals / and culture is has been compressed to a single subject, our children read to obtain marks! "The moral science”....hahahaha, we need to change a lot of things....We need to spend time to teach good things to next generation.

The lesson from the "Bapu"

The rule is very simple "If you will stick to "Truth" you will become strong, if you say lie you will become weak"

Yes! It is really simple as parents it is the simplest thing we can teach to kids, Bapu knew this and follow it profoundly and try to teach us, but we are lazy, don’t want to break the comfort zone, easy on corruption which we ourselves teach and practice in daily life.

Before doing anything which our "Conscious" creates a “doubt” and raise its soft voice, (yes it does we are too loud to listen it), ask one question:
 “ This is what I want to teach my children, this is what you will be proud if you see your  children doing the same? If the answer is NO  you know what to do next!

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