Friday 20 July 2012

Somebody comes, somebody goes

Somebody comes, somebody goes
somebody just comes like a fad
somebody never goes from me
some give us joy some make us sad

But somebody keeps coming like season
And bring some smile for no reason
They always got some sorrow to share
Which comes with some woes & tears
then there are nicely kept some moments
we had sat together and had locked in closet
we knew they aren’t going to come again
The closet of memories is most precious

Sometime i wonder who sends them
Why they come just to go away
Nature teach us as a season comes and goes
They will keep coming and will go again
the memories will keep getting shear
we will worn it make it to tear
and when we lost it inside,
will keep searching every slide
And then will found it again
Will feel the scent of that joyful eve
Hold it very tight, won’t let it go away
Will lock it again close to heart
just to find it someday again

And again
Someone will come, someone will go
Will give a smile, gives us woe
But someone will remain in the closet
They just don’t fade away
Somebody comes, somebody goes


  1. nice poem bro...and nice pic...very deep meaning...gr8 work done bro...keep it up...

  2. thoughtful poem!really good work liked it!!!waiting for some more...
